Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College

Flexible design
Engineering Harmonics designed performance sound programmable for various events to complement the Sosnoff Theater’s excellent acoustics. Loudspeaker arrays above and beside the stage couple with stage lip speakers to provide complete coverage of the orchestra level and balconies.
The Gehry Partners designed 110,000-square-foot Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College houses two theatres and four rehearsal studios for dance, theatre, and music. The 800-seat Sosnoff Theater features a portable concert shell and removable forestage.
Performance sound, video and communications systems consulting, design, tender, contract administration and commissioning.
By no means a heavily amplified venue, the theatre hosts a multitude of performance types, from opera and ballet to jazz and orchestra. The room handles this variety by being reconfigurable, and the sound system is equally adept with programming matched to different room configurations.